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We improve lives by connecting communities through renewable energy.

We’re Atma Energy, a solar energy company from Texas. We’re here to make solar energy work for you. Working from our home base in San Antonio, we’re on a mission to change the way consumers perceive the solar industry and to make solar more accessible and effective for everyone.

About us

A pattern of rectangular solar panels seen from above form a star shape.

Our mission.

Bettering lives by connecting communities through renewable energy.
An arrow pointing up.
We want solar to change your life.

Your own solar system with a battery means independence from the power grid & guaranteed access to electricity. It also significantly lowers your energy & utility bills, helping you gain financial freedom.

An electrical tower.
We want solar to change the industry.

The solar industry can be tricky to navigate. We want to lead by example and be the reliable, knowledgeable and professional solar partner that consumers are desperately looking for.

A world icon.
We want solar to change the world.

Solar energy is one of the cleanest, greenest ways to power your life. By making the most of all the sun has to offer, we are creating a better world for generations to come.

Side-by-side portraits of Jaro Nummikoski and Supratim Srinvasan, founders of Atma Energy.

Who is behind Atma Energy?

Founded by Supratim Srinivasan and Jaro Nummikoski in 2020, today the Atma team helps customers throughout Texas discover the benefits of solar from their San Antonio headquarters.

What does Atma mean?

The word “Atma” refers to the energy that binds the universe. We chose the name because we want to harness the most powerful energy source in the universe for the benefit of everyone, from individuals to businesses and the planet as a whole.
Lines extend from the Atma Energy logo and reveal it is a wave transforming from DC to AC.

The converging lines signify the connecting of our communities through distributed renewable energy.

A sine wave lifts up from a flat line.

The transition from a flat line to a wave signifies the transformation of sunlight into usable energy.

A pattern made of sine waves.

The curves represent the many production profiles of solar energy systems, exemplifying our custom approach for each customer.

Start enjoying the sunshine.

Plan your home solar design in four simple steps.